I have recovered from my own virus. It was a stomach virus and it dragged me down. I could not think straight for some weeks. I did not have the energy to write anything. I have come back and my guardian angel is justly mad at me. I deserve that! In these weeks of lock-down I have lost a temporary tooth filling and the tooth … Continue reading TO BE OR NOT TO BE


The Resurrection of Jesus is the touchstone of the Christian faith. Saint Paul affirmed that heaven is our destiny. It’s why God created us. And so, we have every reason to shout out and sing ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA! We possess the best future possible because where we’re going (unless we screw it up by sinning and thinking we shall always have plenty of time to … Continue reading EASTER SUNDAY


It’s been a few days since God showed up. To tell you the truth I missed His comings and goings. It was late evening. God asked me what I was doing and I told Him I was thinking about holiness. I took advantage of His presence to ask Him, “What’s the story on holiness and how do I get to be holy?” God told me, … Continue reading Holiness

Divine Providence

Jesus is the best, the most loving and the most self-sacrificing of shepherds. He is the Good Shepherd: we are His flock. A shepherd’s place is with his flock. Too many of us have become lost sheep, straying goats. We have separated ourselves from His side by an uncontrolled desire. Perhaps we separated ourselves from Jesus because of what we desired or maybe to foolishly … Continue reading Divine Providence